9月1日防災の日に「BOUSAI ACTION 2024」開催決定


It is not enough to wait until
after a disaster has occurred.
Come on, let’s do what I can do now.


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Check the
Hazard map.

Have you checked the
Hazard map for your area?
If you have not yet done so,
please check here as soon as possible.

Train Delay Information

JR service information can be found here.

*Click the button to go to the official JR website.

Disaster Prevention Information

Check the information being presented

*Click on the tabs to view each content.


It is developed by a current high school student
from Fukushima Prefecture.


In the event of a disaster or evacuation, please pay attention to information released by government agencies and local governments, and promptly evacuate, etc., if necessary.
Please be sure to check the situation in conjunction with the information posted on Disaster Prevention ME and other information.
The accuracy and completeness of the information contained in this service is not guaranteed.

Please note that the information is current at the time of publication and may differ from the latest information.
In addition, disaster prevention me, the developer, and other collaborating companies are not liable for any damages incurred based on this service.

Please use the information at your own discretion and responsibility.
